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   Founded in 2021 to address the need for a collective platform for high school students, Hevsel Times supports aspiring researchers with transformative feedback from the professional advisory board, resource and writing centers, and an inclusive peer community to evolve together. We believe human efforts of reasoning and exploring every aspect of life, the universe, and being are a melting pot, representing and necessarily reflecting people of different socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds. This melting pot, calling the 21st-century youth to contribute, is inspired and cumulatively enhanced by introspecting herself.


   We believe in the vitality of diversity, inclusion, equity, and belonging to create a spirited intellectual community and advance science. To accomplish this, we adopt a balanced approach to all reproducible and impactful research areas, allowing community members to question and interpret in an interdisciplinary way.

   Hevsel Times’s scope includes but is not limited to the following:

Aims & Scope

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      We acknowledge driving youth to empower their mindsets to question and act for the prolonged patterns surrounding them is a complex process with intricate economic, political, and social causes. We echo the importance of value-creation and a sense of belonging to untangle that phenomenon and earn lifelong know-how for themselves and the upcoming generations. Join our international call to create timeliness and relevant impact.


Be an editor or writer in our Journal

Write, host, or edit videos & podcasts

Create resources at our Projects

Join our partnership department for multifactorial impact

Register your initiative to our Youth-Found Initiatives network

    If you are a representative of an organization, an expert in science, research, or minority inclusion, an activist, at least an undergraduate student with relevant experience, or an individual with an idea to join our journey, please directly refer to:

International Call


Become part of our vibrant community. Contribute your insights, share your stories, and help us create a platform for knowledge and innovation. Together, we can make a difference.

Want to get involved

Join Our Community

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