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Are Dolphins Friendly Animals?

Written by Bejan Yılmaz

Most people think of dolphins as cute, intelligent, playful fishes. But they are not fish. However, they are indeed intelligent. Their intelligence is equivalent to that of a 3-year-old child which makes them the second smartest animal. This intelligence also brings them bad characteristics, like humans. What are they and why do they do that? Let’s take a look.

The most distinctive features of dolphins, which are members of the whale family, are their appropriately developed bodies and beak-shaped noses. (1) Their length is approximately 1-4 m. (1) They live in almost all seas. (1) They feed on fish and small marine animals. (1) Dolphins usually travel in pairs, but they form groups during breeding seasons. (1)Dolphin is the common name used for the majority of species classified in the dolphin family (Delphinidae) within the toothed whales (Odontoceti) suborder of the whales (Cetacea) order and all those classified in the river dolphins (Platanistoidea) superfamily. (1) David Lusseau from the University of Otago studied a group of 64 dolphins for 7 years. (2) As a result, he discovered the existence of a communication network between dolphins similar to that between humans and man-made networks. (2) While watching dolphins, Lusseau focused on individuals who congregated more frequently. (2)He realized that these dolphins consisted mostly of adult females and served as centers of community communication. (2)Lusseau used a measurement method called "diameter".(2) Lusseau, who watched the dolphins by markings on their fins, realized that the community showed great resilience if the dolphins, which served as communication centers, were separated from the group. (2) The communication of the dolphin community was not affected even by the absence of key individuals. (2)This flexibility in the dolphin community made it possible for the community to maintain its unity even if one-third of the population disappeared. (2)Existing flaws can be eliminated by modeling this perfect communication network in communications such as the internet network used by people. (2)

What about their personality and intelligence?

Let's start from the beginning: how smart are dolphins? (3) Researchers answering this question have been researching for nearly 30 years. (3)The result is: that they are incredibly smart. (3)Even, to panelist Emory University marine mammal neuroanatologist Lori Marino, they can be considered the second most intelligent creature. (3) Marino bases this idea on studies conducted on the dolphin brain. (3)

Yes, they’re pretty smart but some facts about them that may change your ideas about them. Dolphins can gang rape their females: Particularly groups of 2 or 3 bottlenose dolphins force the female, who is unwilling to mate, into sexual intercourse. (5) To prevent the female from escaping, they hit her hard with their heads and tails and made aggressive screams. (4) If the female escapes from the male gang, they will continue to chase until they catch her. (4) And they can also rape humans: On many occasions, people who were allowed to swim with dolphins for "therapy" purposes were raped by dolphins. (5) However, since these therapies were carried out under the supervision of an instructor, these attempts could be prevented by quickly removing the dolphins. (4) Dolphins often kill the cubs and babies of other species: In just one study, 100 different baby porpoises were identified as being killed by dolphins. (5)It is thought that the reason for these deaths is that dolphins confuse their babies with the babies of porpoises. (4) You may ask why they kill their babies. Males kill the cubs because females whose cubs die become sexually active in a very short time so that the males can mate. (5)

We talked about the evil done by dolphins, but what about the cruelty that humans do to dolphins? One of the tricks of the treatment methods marketed for thousands of dollars under the name of "dolphin therapy" is that the mouth structures of dolphins are the type that activates the "smiling face" circuit in the human brain. (4) But in fact, Dolphins are also wild animals and should live in their nature. (6) Just as the television industry has engraved sharks in your mind as "extraordinary killers", it has also imprinted dolphins in your mind with the image of "super friends of humans". (7)Dolphins are among the most predatory species of the sea. (6)The ones in those parks are animals that have been tamed through very harsh training and usually die when they are protected from confinement in a narrow area or due to psychological depression. (4) Dr. Amy Samuels conducted a study on 29 free dolphins and found that only 1 of the 29 exhibited behavior close to the "helpful, smiling good dolphin" behavior model that people think of. (7)The remaining 28 individuals are extremely predatory creatures that go against human stereotypes: some are snatchers, some are sexually aggressive and can tear off the genitals of their females. (7)Some people have "anger problems" and can make serious attacks when their desires are not met. (4) Approximately 14 dolphins exhibit sexually "misguided behavior": For example, they sexually attack toys in the water and sexually attack humans. "They simply try to have sexual intercourse and masturbate with whatever they can find," the researchers said. they say.(4)

Yes, dolphins are very intelligent animals; they appear to "float happily" in front of the ships; But you don't want to be stuck among dolphins like you do sharks in the wild. (4)Dolphins can attack their prey at speeds of tens of kilometers per hour with their bottle-like noses, tear them to pieces with their sharp teeth, and often even sexually assault carrion. (4)


1. Biyolaglar. (n.d.). Yunus Balıklarının Özellikleri Nelerdir. Biyologlar.

2.Dabağlar, N. (2015, December 28). Yunusların bilinmeyen ilginç özellikleri. İndigo Dergisi.

3. Can dolphins be as smart as humans? (2010, April). TÜBİTAK Popüler Bilim Yayınları.;jsessionid=V6hMMx70rtf8IsBT8sL6PCYP?dergiKodu=4&cilt=43&sayi=695&sayfa=10&yaziid=29948

4.Çağrı Mert Bakırcı. (2019, October 15). Yunuslarla İlgili Gerçekler: "Hayır, Yunuslar Onları Hapsettiğinizde Gülmezler!". Evrim Ağacı.

5. Dr. M.. 10 Reasons Why Dolphins Are A$$Holes. (13 Şubat 2013). Deep Sea News

6. National Geographic. Common Bottlenose Dolphin. (13 Eylül 2019). National Geographic ı

7. J. Chrysdale. Research: Dolphins Play 'Shark Volleyball'. (15 Haziran 2009).


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